Monday, October 17, 2011


TC reminded me in a comment on my previous post that I haven't posted anything here for some time.  It's been almost two months since my last post!  And to think....I used to blog nearly every day there for a while.  But...that was back when there was a little circle of blogger buddies who did the same. 

Most of those blogger buddies have moved on, but I still hear from a couple of them, TC and Rimpy being two of them.  Nay and Bunny are old high school friends, so I communicate with them via email and telephone. 

Anyway...the weather here in Texas is starting to cool down, and I'm greatly looking forward to having to wear a jacket and turn on the heat.  This summer has been brutal.  The heat and drought have been awful.  We finally got some good rain a couple of weeks ago.  We got 4+" in my locale.  Very nice. to get ready for work.  I hope you all are doing well...TC - You need to start a new blog so I can visit you :-)

Cheers, mofos.


Anonymous said...

Great to see you blogging again. yeah, I have been a slacker on my blog as well so I am not throwing stones here....

The_Gator said...

The worst part is, I've been away from your blog, and when I come back, you've gone away.

Rimpy Rimpington said...

Always good to hear from you, blog buddy.