Saturday, November 23, 2013

Happy Birthday

Back in 1979, when I was 17, I met a stunningly beautiful girl through my best friend.  We hit it off and I, being the hopeless fuck that I am, fell madly in love with her - Or as madly in love as one can be at 17.  Since that first meeting, we've had other boyfriends and girlfriends, have lost touch for years at a time, been married, had hard times and good times, lost friends, and gained new family members in the forms of nieces and nephews.  I've fallen in love with her, out of love with her, been jubilant over her, been broken-hearted over her, and eventually accepted her as one of my best, dearest, most wonderful friends ever.

Nay, my friend, I wish you the happiest, must carefree, smiley birthday today.  Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, I love you and miss you much, my dear friend.  This, despite your shit-poor correspondence habits.  You'd think I'd have gotten used to it in the 31 years since I joined the military and left our hometown.  ;-)  

Anyway - Merry, Merry Birthday, my dear.  Mail me, call me, text me...just don't forget about me, your friend.

Don't hate me for all the corny shit...or for posting your freshman picture ;-)

Freshman Year - Circa 1979
Jerome, Arizona - 1983

Texas Visit - 2007

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