To those of you who were offending by my “We do Chicken Right” post, I would like you to know that I was recently subjected to a self-imposed sexual harassment intervention.
The training and indoctrination that followed the intervention were quite good. I found the introductory video particularly moving, and encourage my friends to watch it entirely. It is but a couple of minutes long.
I was watching ESPN the other day and they were discussing the new dress code that applies to NBA players. Here it is:
Of course, the NBA players are whining. NFL players are whining about it too. Doesn’t seem too harsh to me. As a matter of fact, it seems like a pretty small sacrifice considering the salary guys draw. The minimum starting salary for a rookie this year is $398,762. Next year it’ll be $412,718.
Indian Pacers player Stephen Jackson (formerly of my beloved Spurs) went so far as to call the dress code racist? Huh? You’re kidding me. Jackson was specifically bothered by the ban on “bling” because it’s most often associated the hip-hop culture. Jackson needs to get a grip. Besides, isn’t he stereotyping and profiling?
Should young Anglos from cattle ranches in Texas also cry racism because they won’t be able to wear their Stetsons to games, practices or meetings? I mean, come on now. Cowboy hats are most often associated with the “cowboy culture” that is comprised mainly of white dudes and, being half white dude, I am highly offended and am feeling repressed, oppressed, and likewise discriminated against, you racist bastards (added for those of you who wouldn’t approve of the sentence ending in the preposition "against").
Adding further to the horror and stupidity is the fact that Nuggets center Marcus Camby and Bobcats guard Brevin Knight (Who?) said that players should get additional pay to offset the cost of clothing. To these two spoiled, Prima Donna morons I say: Wake the hell up. Do you realize how much money you’re making? Do you remember how much money you were making before you got into the NBA? Do you have any idea how good you’ve got it? I don’t make anything close to what you freaks are making and I have a dress code. I have to wear casual business (khakis & a collared shirt) but do you think I’m crying racism, discrimination or the like? No, I’m not. So, go to K-Mart, get yourself a few new threads and shut the fuck up.
I say the NBA should fire any player who breaks any of the NBA rules more than once. It’s not like there aren’t a dozen perfectly capable basketball players in the world for every one of these pussies that whine about insignificant, work-related things like dress codes, all while making hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars a year.
Piss off crybabies.
That is all.
Dubya Quote of the Day:
"I think it's important to bring somebody from outside the system, the judicial system, somebody that hasn't been on the bench and, therefore, there's not a lot of opinions for people to look at." —On the nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court, Washington, D.C., October 4, 2005
Hey I wasn't offened by your chicken love so I thought that it might be a good idea for me to view the video and I think it may help me in the future when I feel the urge to be inapropriate. But my real issue is with work place violence, conduct unbecoming of a state employee,misusing email, etc. so maybe ebaum can work on a combo video for me.
I heard about that dress code as well, I didn't hear all the complaints but when I heard Charels Barkley was going to be on Jay Leno the night of the announcement I had to watch and was a bit surprised that he felt that the dress code was necessary and that some of those guys were sending a bad image/message out to young black boys. I remember a time when he clearly stated he was not suppose to be any sort of role model that was the parents job. Any way just my add to that. And I wholeheartedly agree with all you said on that bit!
Love you and your insight to things, you make me laugh, thanks for that.
Hey....why does the comment counter say I have 0 comments when there's one there? I didn't even receive my email notification :-(
Glad the chicken post didn't offend you. I was, after all, just the messenger :-)
loks like your comment thing is working now, how do you get email notifications? I want notificaitons?
Emailed them to you.
Thanks, your a love!!!!
Are these guys fucking delusional or what? The white boys pay them millions to jump around like God damn monkeys swinging from hoops and they aren't bitching about that being racist. God forbid you take away their shiny trinkets (fucking bling bling). Waaaaa!
~Y~'s percpective on that cracked me up!!!
Yeah...I've always had somewhat of a beef with people who are quick to whine that “the man” is putting them down, and then perpetuate the stereotypes. I think I might post something on this topic soon….from the perspective of someone who is half minority (though not in San Antonio!)
You know, I think I'm jealous. I am so pigmently challenged that I can't play with my private parts in public places without getting stared at. I was forced to give up my binky, no hope of wearing it around my neck as an adult, and when I spread my fingers apart and point people try to get me to go on the little yellow bus. Damn.
Go ahead and git on that little bus ~Y~, you'll have company, I'm always on it!
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