Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. I have nothing witty or of note to post today. I’ll blame Thanksgiving-preparation-burnout for the lack of interesting information to post.

I’ll be off work at 11:30am today, after which I’ll head for the liquor store to purchase two bottles of Canadian Mist, and two bottles of Meyers’s rum. The Warden, my mom and I used to drink Meyers’s rum like, as they say, it was going out of style (whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean. I mean, why would you drink or eat or buy something in huge quantities because it’s going out of style?). Mom used to call Meyers’s Mother’s Milk and was known to take a slug or two right out of the bottle after we’d had a few drinks (usually just the rum on ice).

Big crowds are expected at our house tonight and for a couple of days. I’ll be appropriately anesthetizing myself depending on how big the crowds are and how long they stay.

Benjamin Franklin once said, ”Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days.”



Ivy the Goober said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! Maybe your guests will bring more booze to get you through it ;)

reneegrrrrrrrr said...

Happy Turkey day Mr. Cj!!! And to the whole fam damily!!! Three whole fucking turkeys, that be a lot of guest. Like Ivy says, "maybe your guests will bring more booze" (those are words of a wise woman, not a goober :)

Have a fab day and a drink for me.

Love to you!!!!


i i eee said...

Happy Thanksgiving! And get smashed!

rlb3773 said...

Yes, I am out here, but cooking, cooking, cooking.....
You have good Thanksgiving also. Enjoy the rum and Canadian Mist. Now I want some Canadian Mist, I have not had that in forever!

We sing we dance we steal things said...

MMMM, Meyers spiced rum. You have great taste.