Wednesday, November 09, 2005


I got to the hospital around 9:30am yesterday with The Warden’s stuff, a six-pack of Fiji bottle water, and some sugar-free candy which she greatly appreciated.

When I walked in the room, the nurse (actually a student nurse) was getting her ready for a walk. She was sitting up in the bed and looked much better than she did the night before. Once she was situated, we walked out into the corridor and I took my lovely wife for a slow stroll around the ward. She was in good spirits and made it around the entire ward. She was beat afterward though, and felt a little yucky for her effort.

We talked and watched a little TV throughout the course of the day, among other things. I tended to her needs, beat up the nurses when necessary, and did my best to keep her in good spirits. When she dozed, I worked on my laptop. I’m not one who enjoys sitting around for long periods of time waiting, but this waiting around was effortless and flew by.

Having a private room was so much nicer than a shared room, and well worth the $80 per day it cost.

Wifey was discharged at 6:30pm last night. She hit the hay almost immediately after entering the house, and had a good night’s sleep.


This morning I got up and took the kids to school. I got home and straightened up the house a little. I turned on soft lights and placed a lit candle on the dining room table to make it a little less hospital-bright, and more like home. She woke up at around 8:30am and had a bowl of cereal. Then she asked if I wanted to watch a movie with her, so that’s exactly what we did. It was nice lying around in bed laughing and watching the movie. Kinda reminded me of days gone by.

After the movie, I made her a breakfast of scrambled eggs and an English muffin. She’s snoozing right now.

At her request, tonight’s menu will include my homemade tortilla soup, garnished with fresh cilantro, avocado, lime, and a small birds-nest of fried corn tortilla strips.


What has made me feel immensely good over the past day-and-a-half is that The Warden has thanked me (needlessly, of course) 7 or 8 times for being there for her and for taking care of her. And to think she said I should just go about business as usual. J

Back to tend to my bride. Oh, The Girl gets her braces off today. I’m going to take before and after pictures that I hope to get up here sometime soon.


Dubya Quote of the Day:
“We’ll be a great country where the fabrics are made up of groups and loving centers.”
--Kalamazoo, Michigan, March 27, 2001


reneegrrrrrrrr said...

Shame on you for not posting when you were suppose to!!! You had ~Y~ all worried!!!

Glad to here all is well with your lovely wife!!! I bet she is soooo glad to be home. It was a good thing you took some time off to tend to her even though she encouraged you to not to. That is just kind of a woman thing, we think we re wonder woman, and grant it we are, but sometimes we do need our loves around.

So glad all is well


word verification today: iv looks like a w

rlb3773 said...

Awwwwww! Good for you. Sounds like you are taking good care of her. I am glad everything is going well. I would also like some tortilla soup. You made it sound very appetizing! Glad the girl is getting her braces off. Man, I remember those days.

We sing we dance we steal things said...

Yes, shame shame on you. I am glad to hear she is home and all is well.
Ney, I'm a Tard also & sometimes it takes me two or three try's to get my comments posted, that's a crappy thing to do to a brain damaged individual. 8 letters is a little much.

Carlos said...

Sorry for being neglectful in my updates. I did try to crack into the hospital's wireless access points on Tuesday though. Guess I'm not geeky enough. By the time we got home and fed and such, I didn't have it in me.

Word verification pisses me off sometimes, but hey, if it keeps the ass faced spammers away and provides us with some minor entertainment, I don't mind :-) Eight letters is a little excessive though!

I remember getting my braces off too. Funny thing is that The Girl is amazed that I wasn't full of shit when detailing what it's like right after you get them off. The "Gee Pop. You were telling the truth" look is priceless!


reneegrrrrrrrr said...

I remember when Carlos got his braces off. Thanks to our ol' beloved buddy Micheal, Carlos got popped in the mouth. :)

Carlos said...

I remember that. I think I was out for a couple of minutes too.

We (me, Mike and a few of my redneck friends) actually scared the shit out of that guy later that night at the Jack in the Box on 51st(?) avenue and T-Bird.

Eight-letter verification!