Saturday, January 21, 2006

Oral Exploration & Hooters

Okay...I’ll admit I’ve been doing one hell of a lot of blog slacking lately. Actually, I’ve been doing a lot of slacking in general. So sue me!


Went to the dentist yesterday...again. Got the top half of my mouth juiced up with Novocain this time. While I was reclining, waiting for the juice to spread throughout and numb my face, I was tinkering with my cell phone. I started up Yahoo Instant Messenger and who did I see on line? Kimbo! Being the geek that I am, I massaged messaged her, just to say hi and to see how she was doing. We only exchanged a couple of messages before the hygienist came in to “do me.” It was good to see Kim in good spirits.

Technology amazes me. I work in a field where we deal with some pretty advanced technological concepts, but little things still amaze me. Think about it. I was sitting in a dentist’s chair, exchanging messages with someone in the boonies of New Mexico on a device no bigger than my wallet. Pretty fuckin’ cool if you ask me.


A few hours shy of exactly a week ago, The Boy and I went out for a new interior door.

We left the house for Lowe’s around noon. On the way, we stopped for gas. I pulled up to the pump. The Boy was fiddling with his Ipod, looking for another play list for our drive.

Before I got out to gas up, a woman walked by the passenger side. First I thought it, then I said it out loud: “Is that woman pregnant or does she just have a weird lookin’ gut?” The boy glanced up but said nothing. As the woman approached the front of the store and prepared to make a ninety-degree turn to the left, I said, “Okay. Look. She’s getting’ ready to turn. Now we’ll find out.” She made her turn. Halfway through the turn I was sure it was an odd-shaped beer gut. Then she completed her change of course and regaled us with a full profile. “Oh my god. Those are her boobs!” I exclaimed. The Boy replied, “That’s disgusting.” And it was. And our eyes suffered greatly.

This woman was wearing a faded pair of those cheap-ass, stretchy denim pants you can probably get four-for-a-dollar at K-Mart. She also had on a raggedy T-shirt, which, under ordinary circumstances, isn’t an issue with me. What was an issue with me was the fact that her mondo-disgusto hooters were hanging down below her waist. I kid you not. They were, without question, the most gruesome, saggy pair of boobs I’d ever seen. And never before had I seen a pair of mammalian protruberances hanging so low from their point of origin. The coup de gras was the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra, so her giant milk bags swayed to and fro, striking fear into any man or animal that came within two feet of her.

Why the hell would someone with such large, saggy gazongas walk around in public in a T-shirt, sans brassiere? That’s just plain rude. Don’t get me wrong. I understand how naturally-large hooters, age, and gravity all work together, but really....that was thoroughly unnecessary.

The Boy and I continued to laugh as I pulled away from the pump. And we both involuntarily stole a glance into the store at the woman who was just plopping her boobs on the counter to make her purchase.

Then, I pulled into traffic.

Then, looking in my rear-view mirror, I spied a dunce on a motorcycle swerving and speeding behind me. He veered into the center lane, passed me and pulled in front of me. What an ass, I thought. As is usually the case with idiots in traffic, we ended up waiting at the same stoplight a few short seconds later. Then The Boy started laughing and pointed out that the guy on the motorcycle could barely reach the ground. I looked and laughed. He was balancing his bike on the very tips of his toes. It was good for a laugh and a hearty making-fun-of by me and The Boy.

A couple of minutes later we were at another stoplight. We looked to the right and saw a guy -- actually, an adult man. He was on the grassy shoulder on a bicycle. The bicycle looked similar to this
picture, only it was much dorkier. It had a really goofy banana seat and was very cheesy. What made it funnier was that the guy was wearing a very cheap looking leather jacket and a helmet. He was sitting on the bike, trying to walk it through an area that must’ve been a little too treacherous for this wannabe Knievel. Poor guy. I think he might’ve been just one taco shy of the combination plate.


Nay...oh Nay...Where are you? We miss you. I’m gonna start posting pictures of you until you come out of hibernation :-)

Lower Lake Pleasant, AZ, 1978 or so.


Quote of the Day:
"As you can possibly see, I have an injury myself — not here at the hospital, but in combat with a cedar. I eventually won. The cedar gave me a little scratch. As a matter of fact, the Colonel asked if I needed first aid when she first saw me. I was able to avoid any major surgical operations here, but thanks for your compassion, Colonel." —George W. Bush, after visiting with wounded veterans from the Amputee Care Center of Brooke Army Medical Center, San Antonio, Texas, Jan. 1, 2006


Whistler71 said...

The post about the boobies is way too funny, I fear, however, that I am headed for that doomed fate.... No really... Playing soccer with my tits and all. Poor dude on the bike, you should have gotten his number for RLB!! JK Thank you for thinking about me CJ you are all wonderful friends. I miss Ney as well, I hope she is ok.

rlb3773 said...

HAHAHA!! Good post. I also fear that I may have this boob to the waist problem in my future, but I promise to wear a bra to at least raise them up to mid stomach.

Kim what are you insinuating?

Bush is such a fucking idiot.

We sing we dance we steal things said...

Thanks for finally posting Cj, good to hear from you. I am constantly seeing woman that I can't tell if they're pregnant or fat. I can imagine the horror you must have felt to see one that was not fat or pregnant, but breast challenged. That really does suck. You should have covered Boys eyes, he may be messed up for life now.
Oh, and the next time you see some super cool dude riding a super cool bike, or anything even remotely close, be a dear and snap a pic for us, lol.
Girls, don't worry about the sagging issue, that's what implants are for. You get all new breastesess, it's all good.

rlb3773 said...

Hey, that map thing is bullshit.......I am not from Amarillo and I know it is talking about me.

Webmiztris said...

wow, sounds like you're describing people from MY area...there's lots of freaky looking people around here!! LMAO regarding the majorly saggy boobed you watch South Park? There's a female teacher on the show named Miss Chokesondick who has swinging hooters that hang down to her hips...sounds just like the lady you saw!

i i eee said...

Bwah! Hilarious! It was scary enough just reading about them boobs! I can't imagine the horror of the real thing.

Hope the dentist appointment went okay.

Carlos said...

Whistler: Next time I see that guy on the the bike, I’ll snatch him up and send him Robin’s way!

RLB: I don’t think any of you chicks has (or ever will have)the same boob problem as the creature I spied. It was an amazing anomaly of nature! You of those one-in-a-million things. Oh, and about that Amarillo thing...The computer is “talking” about you. It knows you secretly wish you were living in Amarillo and not the thriving metropolis you’re in now ;-)

Y: I think it’s too late for The Boy. After having been raised by me and The Warden, he’s already suitably twisted and scarred. ;-) I should have snapped pictures! Next time...

Webmiz: I’m gonna have to make sure I stay the hell away from Bumfuck Nowhere, PA then! I can’t imagine seeing more than one of those things in one day. I remember the big-hootered teacher, but didn't ever catch her name -- Miss Chokesondick. Fucking hilarious!

James: Bro, she was beyond hope. No bra could have saved her (or us).

Meta: It was very, very scary. Dentist appointment went well. Thanks for dropping in Rachel. Good to hear from you.

Early: Slow people can go far indeed. Probably one of the only things that Rush Limbaugh ever said that I agreed with had to do with the “dumbing down of America.” I mean, look at some of the shit on TV...and what the news (especially morning news) has turned into. It’s pretty discouraging to know that there are people out there more concerned with Jessica Simpson’s marital woes than the problems with our country.

jules said...

Ah, passing on the making fun of others gene to the younger generation.

Carlos said...

Oh Jules....You makes me sounds so evil. I'm really not :-)

reneegrrrrrrrr said...

Ewww, but hey the guy on the bike sounds like a guy for me so Robin get this one I get the next one you find.

Thanks for checking in on me!!!

rlb3773 said...

Which bike are you talking about? I want the biker not the bicyclist.

Whistler71 said...

RLB, this bicyclist has a motor on his bike... get yer motor runnin, head out on the highway....

reneegrrrrrrrr said...

RLB, do you have a helmet for the ride with your new man? If not maybe he has a spare that he lets the chicks he dates wear. :)

reneegrrrrrrrr said...

By the way Cj thinking of goovy bikes and their riders you made me think of Darla, I think that was her name. Remeber her?

We sing we dance we steal things said...

I have seen you on a bike. i know the damage you can do. recall the curb over the bridge?
You have no room to talk about Darla. LMAO. I do think that was her name. Was that the monkeys chick??? u should blog about her. 2 funny.

Carlos said...

Darla....the one that used to ride her bike around with her helmet on, or the Darla that used to live near Dave Morgan and Jimmy Jordan?

StringMan said...

Sounds like you live near the Circus. No bearded ladies sighted? And that guy on the bicycle was definitely Pee Wee Herman.

reneegrrrrrrrr said...

The Darla that rode her bike around town and loved the Monkeys and Davie Jones was her favorite!!!

reneegrrrrrrrr said...

Oh by the way Stingman I bet it was Pee Wee riding his bike to the movies, you know the quarter movies.

reneegrrrrrrrr said...

Oh and ~Y~ I thought I was so cool and going to hop up over that very fucking big curb. That was fucking funny, it was in slow motion as I went over the handle bars and you were laughing hysterically and between breaths asking if I was o:k :) and some chick passed by yelling "I meant to do that". I had to out strech my hands to catch my fall as to not pop the boobs, whew was that close.

Carlos said...

I remember her. She was a little off center for sure.