Freakin' Bozo
Ha! You thought this was gonna be a political post or a bitch-fest dincha? :-) Well, you're wrong.
The Familia and I were cleaning up the kitchen last night after my dinner of oregano and garlic pork chops & pasta shells with pesto sauce when the conversation got really, really goofy.
The Boy told us about a baseball teammate they harass because his hair sticks out from underneath his ball cap like Bozo The Clown. Any time the kid walks by, they start doing circus music (The fast part of Cyrus the Great) and walking around like retarded penguins. He demonstrated, much to the glee of The Girl: "God, did you see that? You're such a dork. Do it again. Mom, Dad, watch. God you're stupid. DO IT!!!!"
The Girl had never heard of Bozo or Bozo's Big Top or The Bozo Show, so I enlightened her (and probably The Boy too).
When I was done with the Bozo historical perspective, I talked about an old TV show I grew up with in Phoenix called The Wallace and Ladmo Show (I can’t believe they actually have a web site!). Every kid (and probably some adults) in the Valley of the Sun wanted to get on the W&L Show and win a Ladmo Bag. Needless to say, I never made it on the show. Y, Nay and James probably remember the show. Did any of you get on?
Anyhoo…When I was done, The Warden told about her brush with the local San Antonio kid show called The Captain Gus Show. If you were lucky enough to get on the show, you became a Matey.
The Warden was living in Victoria, Texas with her Pop at the time. It was around 1965. She was but a CO (Correctional Officer) at the time, and eight years old (You Einsteins make sure not to tell her you figured out her age because of me.).
One day while watching the show, her name was pulled from whatever they pulled kids’ names from on the show. She reminisced about how excited she was that her dream of a lifetime had come true, and that she was finally going to be on the Captain Gus show! She'd signed up on a whim at a local toy store.
Tragically, her dreams, hopes and aspirations were shattered when she learned that no one could give her the 2+ hour ride to San Antonio to be on the show. She was devastated, and undoubtedly cried a few tears as only little eight-year-old girls can. We all feigned deep sympathy and gave "awws", "poor little girls" and "that's what's wrong with yous" to her before we started cracking up.
Being the curious type, I rushed over to my trusty computer and looked up “Captain Gus.” I found a web site maintained by Captain Gus’ sidekick, Mortimer. We got to the first Captain Gus photo. The Warden then said, through nearly uncontrollable laughter, “He looks like you.” Nice. Was it the hat and its vaguely similar shape to the Coast Guard Combination cap (the two on the right are similar to mine) I wore in dress uniform? Was it the moustache? You be the judge, and be honest. I can take it:
Huh? Someone please tell me why.
Memory Du Jour:
The memory I never had -- Of knowing The Warden when she was a tiny thang:

She ws about 4 in this pic.
I photoshopped it and plan on using
it somehow as a business logo when I
get around to starting it.
Quote of the Day:
"Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons." --Popular Mechanics, forecasting the relentless march of science, 1949
I don't see the resemblance. I think you look more like your doggie picture, sweetie. ;)
I can't believe you posted about Wallace & Ladmo, lol. We we're just talking about them a few weeks ago. We didn't spend a whole lot of time In Phoenix until I was in 8th grade, so I wasn't too impressed. Wallace used to put Gerrald (a grown man) over his knee and spank him daily. Aunt Maude was the old lady that told fairy tales with gruesome endings (someone getting ate, suffocated, drowning). Ladmo was clearly a stoner. I think W&L was some kind of fucked experiment to see how twisted they could make a generation that was exposed to "playing outside" in 115 degrees & watching W&L. Look what happened to U, James and Ney ; }
Hola Carlos!
I don't think you look like Captain Gus - but family knows best!
Two whole vehicles were forced off the rode. OMG.....I hope everyone is OK! Depending on the place a flake of snow or a drop of rain can turn people into total maniacs. I have seen this happen.
Don't laugh at the Warden........her little dreams were shattered. The pic of her is so cute.
I don't see the resemblance between you & Captain Gus (at all), and I think the photo of The Warden is darling.
Jules: Thanks! My self-confidence has been restored! Woof!
Y: Ain’t that a bitch? Wallace and fucking Ladmo! I really couldn’t believe there was a web site dedicated to the show. I hated Gerald! Forgot about the spanking thing. I’m sure that has much to do with how freakin’ retarded we all are! Thanks for the vote of confidence on the Captain Gus comparison! I shall notify The Warden of the results!
Sheila: much for my self-confidence ;-)
RLB: Yeah....the whole out-of-state accident news has always got under my skin, especially when the news is a minor as this two-car pileup!
I see no resemblance, Carlos. But hey, you reminded me of a childhood memory that I WAS on one of those shows. I can't remember the name of it, it was something local when I lived in Louisiana. I'll have to do some googling to figure it out!
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