My Blog is Priceless(?)
I decided to take the “My blog is worth” counter off my sidebar. I’m not exactly sure why I put it on there to begin with. Maybe it was a hint of vanity because I got a lot of visitors one day. Either way, it’s gone. It was just taking up space on my sidebar and, to tell you the truth, it was a little embarrassing; it was stuck at around $6K for months! ;-)
I have no aspirations of increasing my readership from modest to ridiculous, nor am I under the illusion that my blog is something large numbers of readers would seek out for entertainment. I will, as I should always have been, be satisfied with my current ring of blogger friends. Accept my apologies for not being satisfied with our relationship. I’ll seek no more. :-)
The last episode of the HBO series Deadwood is this Sunday the 27th. It’s one of the best television programs I’ve ever seen. It’s a shame it’s ending.
The Warden is going to participate in a Susan B. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation event today. She’s going with our neighbor friend who is recovering from breast cancer. Yay Warden!
Memory du Jour:
Key West, Florida, 1982-1984
Back in the days before I was responsible enough to have a bank account, I used to cash my paychecks at the liquor store next door to the Esquire Lounge, the island’s only topless bar (at the time). It was the only non-bank in town that would cash checks. The only caveat was that you had to make an $8 purchase to do it. We usually bought smokes and whisky.
Most times we’d call Five Sixes cab company (the company’s phone number was 6-6666; yeah, they only used 5 digits back then in KW) for a lift into town.
One day the cab showed up and we were pleasantly surprised to see the driver was a nice looking woman, probably in her early 30s. She was a tiny hippy girl wearing a floppy hippy hat and a white sun dress. She could barely see over the dashboard.
My friend and I hopped in and asked her to take us downtown. To make a long story short, hippy girl turned off the meter after an appropriate time, and we spent a good part of the day driving around the island drinking Jack Daniel’s and smoking a little herb. Okay, well, maybe a lot of herb. It was great fun.
The last episode of the HBO series Deadwood is this Sunday the 27th. It’s one of the best television programs I’ve ever seen. It’s a shame it’s ending.
The Warden is going to participate in a Susan B. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation event today. She’s going with our neighbor friend who is recovering from breast cancer. Yay Warden!
Memory du Jour:
Key West, Florida, 1982-1984
Back in the days before I was responsible enough to have a bank account, I used to cash my paychecks at the liquor store next door to the Esquire Lounge, the island’s only topless bar (at the time). It was the only non-bank in town that would cash checks. The only caveat was that you had to make an $8 purchase to do it. We usually bought smokes and whisky.
Most times we’d call Five Sixes cab company (the company’s phone number was 6-6666; yeah, they only used 5 digits back then in KW) for a lift into town.
One day the cab showed up and we were pleasantly surprised to see the driver was a nice looking woman, probably in her early 30s. She was a tiny hippy girl wearing a floppy hippy hat and a white sun dress. She could barely see over the dashboard.
My friend and I hopped in and asked her to take us downtown. To make a long story short, hippy girl turned off the meter after an appropriate time, and we spent a good part of the day driving around the island drinking Jack Daniel’s and smoking a little herb. Okay, well, maybe a lot of herb. It was great fun.
After that one day, the payday routine for my friend and me was to cash our checks, buy our $8 worth of booze, and call Five Sixes cab company with a special request for Hippy Girl. On a call? Busy? No problem; we’d wait for tinyprettyhippgirl and her partymobile.
Quote of the Day:
"It was just inebriating what Midland was all about then." —From a 1994 interview, as quoted in First Son, by Bill Minutaglio
Image du Jour:

damn, I wish I had been of partying age about 20-30 years ago....things were so much more laid back!
Go Warden!!!
its an even bigger shame i dont watch deadwood.
little hippy girl sounds like someone i know :>
wooohoo a new visitor....this one doesnt appear to be as crazy as the last new visitor...cough deepakcough... its surprising how many visitors you get vs. the number of comments.
Interesting...wish we had a cool cab driver like that here...all i know is a pizza delivery boy...a school bus driver...and oh yea school teacher...oh wait thats me. i wonder if i can talk my way onto my friends bus...
As long as there's still time for you to say hi to us neighbors, I'm cool with however many readers you have.
Pretty hippy girls are the best (NEY)lol.
I put one of those "worth" widgets on my old site, and changed it to say 6 million dollars. It was just to show how silly they are and how arbitrary. And how easily edited. At least one person took it seriously!
Okay, I had to read the Sofa King out loud to get it. But I laughed.
WebMiz: You just don’t know the half of it whippersnapper. ;-) You would’ve had a blast…especially in Key West!
Nay: She went all right. She drove a 2005 Z-4 BMW convertible to Corpus Christi on that fundraiser!
Life: If you ever get a chance to watch it from the beginning, I highly recommend it. It’s very good. Thanks for dropping by!
Gator: Yeah…Deepak was a freak. Maybe the pizza delivery boy and the bus driver will take you for ride-alongs..kinda like the cops do. Oughta be pretty action-packed!
Y: I always have time to say howdy to my neighbors :-) Yes, pretty hippy girls are the best….Nay!
MissCellania: LOL. I wonder if I saw yours and thought it was real. God…what a dork I would be then wouldn’t I? ;-)
Jules: As long as it made you laugh up there in the Big City, I’m pleased with my post. Hope everything’s groovy with you.
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