Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas


Woozie said...

Coca Cola?

Carlos said...

Is that what that is? Damn...Me change.

Anonymous said...

Coca Cola? Did I miss something?

Merry Chanukah, Kwanzaa, and a Happy Nappy Garífuna, Seasons Greetings, Merry Xmas and a BAHHHH FUCKING HUMBUG ;)

Hope you had a fab day?

Love to you dear friend!!!

pssst, you have my address wrong, and when will be a good time to reach you on the phone to chat a bit? Today I'm off to get my hair done, I'm looking a bit like a nappy Garífuna and I don't want to blend in that well ;)

Love to you dear Carlos

Nigel St.John Regina Smegmatica Howle-Raines said...

Carlos, my man: hope your christmas was better than mine! HAHAHAHAHA!

Carlos said...

Ano Nymous: Apparently the last pitcher I put up was some Coca Cola Christmas photo. Merry ___ to you too. Send me your correct address. I don't know where you be living now. Last one I had was fer yer folks. Email me....Maybe Friday night or Saturday we can yap on the phone. You gots my number! Call. If I can't yap, I'll call you back. Love ya babe!

Nigel: Come on, man. It wasn't that bad was it?