Monday, August 22, 2005


I was doing a little reminiscing today at work during some down time. I went way back and thought of my 6th grade teacher back in Arizona. I did a little Googling, and ended up at one of my old high schools, of which she is an alumnus. She and her email address were listed on the alumni section of the web site.

So...I decided to send her a quick email just to tell her that she "done good," and that I appreciate the good stuff she planted in her students' pea little brains way back then. I thanked her for believing in me, motivating me and for just being a good teacher and person overall.

While I was typing, I wondered whether she'd even remember me, but then I recalled a Christmas present I gave her that year (1973), and included that information in the email.

The Christmas present I gave her (purchased with my mom's help) was a bottle of Gran Marnier. Somehow she'd mentioned something about that liquor being her favorite and I remembered it that Christmas. Can you imagine what would happen if a kid brought a teacher a bottle of liquor these days?!

Kinda dorky...but I thought I'd post it anyway since I'm sitting here at my computer.




reneegrrrrrrrr said...

Thanks for sharing Carlos, it's great that you found a teacher that you had a good experience with. Ha, Ha, liquor purchased as a X-mas gift, was it your idea or your Moms?

Love ya babe!

Carlos said...


It was my idea. The "crime" was perpetrated by my mom! :-)