"I wish I was a catfish...swimmin' the deep blue sea. 'Cause then I'd have all you pretty little women...fishin' after me."
I don't quite recall where this picture was taken, but I'm pretty sure it was in Glendale somewhere. The only people I remember are Darla and Nancy. THe blond girl on the left looks familar, but I can't remember her name.
I'd say this one was sometime around 1979 or so.
Posted by Carlos at 8/16/2005 06:31:00 PM
Did you get waivers signed from your models? Do you ever hear from either Nancy or Donna?
The flumes!! I was trying to explain the flumes to someone the other day. Somehow I don't think my description was adequate.
I'll try to get to my scanner this weekend and scan some more old ones. It's great to look back. Glad we made it through it.
Nay: Waiver schmaiver! I get an email every so often from Darla and Nancy. I had been in touch with Lynn Walston a while back. She got her legs crushed by a car her son was pulling into the garage a few years ago (she got squished between the car & the wall). She was having a tough receovery. I haven't heard from her for a few years.
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