Saturday, August 13, 2005

Oh Yeah

I was just thinking about an article I read in the latest Newsweek. In the story, a woman whose son is serving in Iraq, said that one could not be against the war and for the troops. Hmm... I read it a second time and thought a bit before coming to my conclusion: BULLSHIT! I am fervently against the war in Iraq, but I support the men and women in Afghanistan and Iraq just as fervently. They’re serving honorably and nobly.

The hows and whys of our entry into this military “action” are dubious in my opinion, but the actions and service of our troops are not. They're doing the jobs they signed up to do; in this case obeying the orders of the Commander in Chief. They’re doing a job, risking their lives, and busting their asses and they deserve our respect and admiration regardless of how we feel about the “action.”

I was in the service for 21 years, and nearly every person I ran into did their jobs to the best of their ability, no matter how much they disagreed with whatever order or policy was the motivation for whatever the task at hand was. The guys and gals over in the desert are doing the same.

Until they are called upon to come home, they’ll be in my thoughts and prayers every day. As for the politicians who got them into this mes....I won’t waste my time.

Okay. Well. That is all. I’m done.



1 comment:

reneegrrrrrrrr said...

Hey Cj,

I tried being your first last night but it had to wait till this morning cause my internet was down but not really it is my wireless button that gets turned off from time to time and I forget to look at that and troubleshoot if every which way, a big DUH for me.

Thrilled to see you’re blogging. I think this is such a fantastic way to communicate w/ friends, family and strangers (voyeurism is my new hobby, peeking into the lives of total strangers, ah the glory of blogs).

I agree with you 100% in your statement regarding supporting our troops but doesn’t mean I have to agree with the war. They are doing their job, no different than a lot of people except the one big difference is that our troops lives are on the line.

Welcome to blog world.

Love ya!!!!

1. Thanks for serving our county for 21 years (and I’m not being sarcastic).
2. Would you please post pictures of you and family for me to see or e-mail me some.