Jerome, Arizona 1983 or so
L-R: My late best friend Mike, Renee B, Renee G, Me
My kids, 2004
Cape Cod, 1990
L-R, Me, George, Brett & Sabina's ass.
It was around noon and we were suffering
mightily from a night of beer & scotch.
This was just before we started in on a little
Hair of the Dog.
Strawberry, AZ 1980 or 1981
Me Staying Warm
Lower Lake Pleasant, 1978 or so
Who is that mean looking hippy chick using her
telekinetic powers to will the Michelob away from
I gave up trying to make the scanner work on my computer, so I let The Warden commandeer it. I used it tonight and scanned a shitload of pictures. Unfortunately, many didn’t come out because of, uh, a technical problem. In other words, I fucked up.
These are but a few that made it. I’ll post more later and, one day when I get a day to do nothing, I’ll hook the scanner up to my laptop and go to town.
Temp only got up to around 80 today. Freakin’ amazing after what seemed like a month of 100+ degree days.
Dubya Quote of the Day:
“The important question is, How many hands have I shaked?"
—Answering a question about why he hasn't spent more time in New Hampshire, in the New York Times, Oct. 23, 1999
Hi Cj,
You probably don't remember meeting me because I kept such a low profile back then lol, but I remember you looking like the pic where you were trying to stay warm in Strawberry. It seems we baked our brains at some of the same social functions. I believe you may have been on the Sedona trip, where Mike ran the car into the van, squashing an Air force guys head in the van door? Neys bus driver, bus driver story. Sound familiar?
That is one hell of a hot looking hippy chick, wonder who it could be ;) ?
Good looking kids, must be in the genes.
With love from
Tard 2
Low profile? Hmm....Highly suspect. It’s more likely that the memory of you ended up in a brain cell that fell victim to my youthful exploits. I’m sure our paths must’ve crossed on more than a few occasions. I’ll chalk my feeblemindedness up to my favorite scapegoat, “The Seventies.” :-)
I remember the head-squashing episode. And who was that AF guy anyway? Was my sister with us? I think she went out with an AF guy once upon a time.
I remember that Sedona trip! We camped out just off the road in Oak Creek Canyon at Slide Rock! Mike and I had initially started out driving together. Then he got kinda stupid (thought we were going to Beaver Creek Colorado, etc.). So we all stopped on I-17. He went to ride with someone else, and Nay came with me. Nay & I eventually got lost (closer to Sedona/Oak Creek) and spent the good part of the evening driving around Oak Creek Canyon (You guys actually saw us drive by a few times and tired to catch our attention!). We even went so far as to get on a pay phone and ask an operator how to get to Slide Rock. The operator was awesome, but we were too far gone to. Eventually the car ran out of gas so Nay and I slept in the car on the side of the road until we were awakened the next morning by a park ranger telling us to move (of course I forgot we’d run out of gas so I tried starting the car a few times). We did have a really nice walk down the creek to the gas station that morning though! In daylight, and with relative clarity of mind, it was WAY too easy to find you guys. I still don’t know how the hell we got separated from the pack. Poor Nay! I felt like such a dope!
I remember seeing Mike when we hooked back up with you guys the next morning. He was freakin’ miserable. He’d fallen out of the van, getting out, and had landed flat on his face, right on the paper bag full of half-gallon bottles of generic booze, which shattered and cut him up. PLUS he was suffering from the previous night’s indulgence. He really looked like shit. Dumbass! I miss that fucker. :-(
I don’t remember Nay’s bus-driver story.
I used to have quite a few pictures of that hot hippy chick with that hot hippy chick hair. I only saw that one yesterday though.
When was the last time you visited Oak Creek Canyon? We went up there a few years ago when we drove out to visit my mom in 1999 or so and it was crazy: Snack bar, parking lots (that you have to pay to park in), “you are here” signs, etc. It’s a state park, I think. The old farm is a historical area, which is cool. I remember stealing corn from the old guy’s cornfield during our camping adventure up there. It was kinda nice to see his farmhouse in tact and no Starbucks or McDonalds in its plaec.
Shit I type too fast...sorry for the long reply!
Yes, our paths did cross more than once. Sedona is the one that stands out in my green tinted 60's mind the most. The AF guy was a friend of mine, (Dave) that used to have keg parties every other weekend to pay his rent. He lived next door to Kmart on Green way. I don't know whatever happened to him, he was AWOL at the time of the Sedona thing.
We camped right on the side of the road because Tards 3 and 4 were MIA and we wanted to make sure they saw us when they passed. Mike was not real popular that trip, after squashing Dave's face and breaking a few of our bottles of booze. Mike couldn't recall what happened to his face when he got up, everyone told him he dropped and broke a couple of our bottles so I, (Y) kicked his ass. I don't know if anyone ever told him that I didn't really kick his ass. I can't figure out how you guys got separated either. The caravan leader was another Dave that drove the van that AF guy got his face squashed in. The vans top speed was 30 mph on a good day.
Tard 2
That was right considerate of you to camp intentionally on the side of the road for us Tards. And all these years I thought you guys were retarded for camping on the side of the road!
I don’t know if Mike ever knew that you didn’t kick his ass. I’d totally forgotten about that! Shit that’s funny!!
Damn this reminiscing shit is fun!
Well, if he didn't ever find out then, that I didn't kick his ass, I am sure he knows now :)
No Carlos, even we, could have found a better place to camp than on the side of the road.
We were hoping that by being so obvious you guys couldn't miss us. Those were the good ol days.
Thanks for sharing the pics. and reminiscing about the good ol' days. I haven't thought about our trip to slike rock in forever. It made me laugh, that was a great, wild trip. Mike was intoxicated and drove your little car into the van slding door and while Airforce guy was trying to get out that door Mike was having problems with the word REVERSE therefore squishing Airforce guys face, LOL, prompting the bus driver joke, LOL and shame on ~Y~ for knocking the shit of of Mike :)
Thanks for the memories to both Cj & ~Y~.
Love from Idaho
I can't believe I forgot Mike was driving my car! I remember the dickhead wanted to drive because he wanted me to play harmonica. Like a dumbass, I let him drive.
And I forgot that he forgot what the big "R" was on the shifter. Damn that's funny!
Bus driver, bus driver, open the door!!!! I can see you doing that in my pea little brain Nay!
Too bad we're not in touch with more people. That could be a freakin' hilarious short story.
Fun memory! I'm laughing and my kids think I'm nucking futs!
Tard #(I forgot what fucking number I am. Do I get re-promoted now?)
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