Friday, September 23, 2005


So yesterday I was at work, minding my own business (as always!). I was moving a piece of equipment I work with on a regular basis when it slipped a bit from my grip. I moved my right hand quickly and caught it before it had fell more than a couple of inches. No problem.

Then I felt something on my right pinky finger. It felt like a small scratch from a piece of metal. I looked at it and it looked like a bigger-than-usual paper cut. It was on the left side of my pinky, between the last knuckle and the tip. No sweat.

Then it started bleeding. I grabbed a napkin and put some pressure on it. I took the napkin off after a few minutes and was surprised to see that the cut was a little bigger than I’d expected. It was about a half an inch long and a quarter inch wide. And boy was it freakin’ bleeding. It still didn’t hurt, but it looked pretty nasty; more like someone scooped the flesh out of my finger than a slash or a slice.

I asked our secretary if she had a band aid. She didn’t, but she took me to a mean old woman who reluctantly parted with two band aids and a cotton ball.

Then off to the sink. I took the napkin off and the exited my finger at a pretty good rate. I figured it might be a good idea to rinse my finger. So I put it under some slow-running, water and I’ll be damned if it didn’t feel like someone was pouring alcohol on it. Hurt like a bitch! (Nay, remember the old lady who poured rubbing alcohol on my doggy bites?!).

Anyway....I finally got a band aid on the thing (tight to stem the blood flow), followed by the cotton ball to catch any blood that leaked, and a 2nd band aid. Okay. All fine to get back to work. No bleeding, manageable pain and a few hours left in the day.

When I got home I figured it’d be a good idea to change the bandage on my finger and maybe rinse it with some peroxide. Unfortunately, the cheap-ass band aid that mean old woman had given me was not “stick proof.” Yeah. It hurt like hell. And the bleeding started all over again. The Boy drove me to the drug store where I got some no-stick stuff to stem the bleeding.

The dilemma now is that I can’t type worth a shit. Well, I can type okay but, because of the taped finger, I have to stop and use an alternate finger any time I need to use the following keys: : ‘ p - 0 / ? \ + = or )

Truth is, I can probably still out-type the average person, even with my temporary handicap so I guess I’ll quit bitching.


I took the day off today. Woo hoo! I need to take the car by the window tinters to have them fix a couple of bubbles and scratches. Other than that, my day is going to be relaxing and full of nothing! I’d type more, but it sucks not having a pinky to use so, until I get a smaller band aid on it, I won’t be posting much.


Dubya Quote of the Day:
"I want to thank the astronauts who are with us, the courageous spacial entrepreneurs who set such a wonderful example for the young of our country." George W. Bush, Washington, D.C. Jan. 14, 2004


reneegrrrrrrrr said...

Didn't you have to get a shot for that doggy bite too :). You were my hero that day as you reluctantly but with my encouragement saved that dogs life and got the wounded pooch off of 35th Ave. and Peoria only to have the owners BITCH you out thinking you were the one that hit their dog. Is that the dog bite your referring to? I love to tell people about your bravery and the fucking inconsiderate bastards that owned the dog.

Hope your pinky heals fast and your back to typing and the speed of light. How wpm do you type?

Love to my hero!!!!


Carlos said...

I don’t remember if I had to get a shot or not. I do remember that woman bitching me out though. Didn’t you give her a piece of your mind? If you didn’t, I’ve been telling the story that way for a long time! :-) In my version, you were the hero, defending my honor by telling her something like, “Look you stupid fuckin’ cunt. We didn’t have to stop...” etc.

I’m glad you made me stop for poochie. I’ve always felt good about that little deed, thanks to you. If I get to heaven, I’ll owe you big time! :-) Oh, and I think I still have tooth hole scars in my arm, either that or I just got too drunk one night and hammered a few nails in my forearm!

The pinky’s doing much better. I’ll update on this morning’s page. Pretty sad that I’m relegated to writing about my pinky finger! I used to have a lot to say once upon a time. I type a good 100wpm and a 125wpm test is my fastest. Yesterday, just for the hell of it, I went to a web site to see how fast I could type with 9 fingers. The first try I did 61wpm with 95% accuracy; the second try was 73wpm with 100% accuracy.

Anyway....that’s why my posts & emails can end up getting pretty long at times!

Have a great Saturday Nay.



We sing we dance we steal things said...

Years ago Ney told me the story about the dog you saved, good job!
Wow, I don't even type as fast as a person with 9 fingers, that sucks.
That old woman was very mean, we should go super glue her eyebrows to her butt hair.
Tard 2