Some day all corporations are going to merge into one megaconglomerate. That new supercorporation will be called Wal Mart. Realizing the power they wield, the executives of Wal Mart will stage a coup and take over the government.
Years later, world oil will dry up and our Wal-vernment will fail. Our country will go through a not-so-civil class war that will claim a third of the U.S. population, then where will we be? Will mom & pop corner stores begin to thrive again? I can only hope so.
Merging huge corporations into even bigger corporations is dangerous in my opinion. Imagine one oil company run by a crook like Ken Lay. Imagine that company going under, or that it is taken over and becomes a government corporation run by our politicians (especially the ones with ties to big oil).
The horror….the horror.
Dubya Quote of the Day:
“Laura and I are proud to call John and Michelle Engler our friends. I know you’re proud to call him governor. What a good man the Englers are.” --Grand Rapids, Michigan, November 3, 2000
Special Guest Quote of the Day:
“We finally cleaned up public housing in New Orleans. We couldn’t do it, but God did it.”
--Representative Richard Baker, September 8, 2005
I have to admit that I shop at Wallyworld soon to be Wal-vernment
I do too on occasion Nay. I shop wherever is convenient at the time. I'm not one to boycott Wallyworld, I just think all these huge mergers are getting a little ridiculous. I mean, how big does a company have to be? How rich does a company have to be?
Maybe in my next life I'll come back as a multibazillionaire and I'll have a different opinion. :-)
I don't usually shop at Wal-vernment. What they have on sale is fine, but the other stuff is just as high as the other grocers. I make 3 stops at 3 stores (smaller chains) once every two weeks and save enough to feed the critters. I love spending money but not burning it.
Did everyone buy their lotto this week?
Luv from Tards 2&5
Nope didn't purchase my ticket yesterday but it looks like the lotto rolled over so I will be puchasing my lotto tickets prior to Saturday!!! Secret handshake amongst tards so I win we all win!!!
You go girl! Which lotto is it? We have some big ol' multistate lotto here. Can't remember what it is off the top of my head right now.
Shithowdy! Let's all win tards!
Tard hand shake from us too.
I read Cj's last post, it was about icky stuff. He needs an expensive hobby.
Go Tards!
Win Tards win.
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