Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Brain Freeze

My name is Carlos and I haven’t had an interesting thought about which to write for over three days. Interesting? Isn’t that just a bit presumptuous of me to think that anyone finds my posts interesting? Hmmm...

Anyway...I suck. It’s just been a really busy week, which is really painful, because I’m definitely not the busy type! I’ll post soon...I hope.


Quote of the Day:
I hope if dogs ever take over the world, and they choose a king, they don't just go by size, because I bet there are some Chihuahuas with some good ideas. –Jack Handy


rlb3773 said...

Carlitos this happens to me all the time. So don't feel bad. Love the quote!

reneegrrrrrrrr said...

I hate brain freeze, that is why I have to order my Margaritas on the rocks.

And I think what you have to say is witty, interesting, insightful... can you feel my lips on your ass :)

Love ya Cj

We sing we dance we steal things said...

My lips are on the other cheek Cj lol.
I guess now would be a really bad time to ask you if you would consider writing us a couple of stories on current affairs each week for one of our web sites. I like your style and I think people would enjoy getting news from your view.
No, it's not for a hard core site. It's for a mellow core site. You, MM and Mister pissed have the most amusing take on current affairs I have seen anywhere on the web.
I'll give you a free T shirt...

reneegrrrrrrrr said...

~Y~, give me a link to Mr. Pissed, I wan't to read his blog.



And don't punish me just cause I shun you

jules said...

Chihuahua's don't have a brain in their bodies. So I doubt their ideas are any more (or less) interesting than your's are, Carlos.

Whistler71 said...

Carlos, I have sympathy for you! It will be ok and we will wait, see I had nothing to post about but spitting a loogie on an Air Force hottie today.. well on his Jeep anyway!

We sing we dance we steal things said...

Ney, I will NOT give you the link until you take it back.
Whistler got to "pitch a slinger" as the kids say, at a hottie today. How awesome is that? I would have rolled.
My word verf today was uqaake. Of course I cake, all good tards love cake. Yet another secret message...
You better come back soon Cj, cause we're all being geeks on your blog.

reneegrrrrrrrr said...

~Y~ I took it back on your comments not give me the link to Mr. Pissed!!! Carlos, make her give me the link, PLEASE.

By the way my brain freeze usually last but a few seconds when I drink those really cold stuff, not days. I wonder why that is? I'm going to assume that Cj's brain is much larger and therefore is taking longer to thaw out then my pea brain. Can you still feel my lips on your ass? ;)


word ver. is a secret message about or to ~Y~:yzvedn

Well I got that one wrong so the next one is: vjhyo

We sing we dance we steal things said...

A secret message to me! Hummmm, what could it possibly mean? I think it's telling me to go out and buy myself lots of holiday presents. Woo hoo!

Carlos said...

You babes are fuckin’ awesome. How ‘bout we all meet in Utah and I marry every last one of you?! Thanks for the righteous comments, praise, and lovin’. Oh, and about the two pairs of lips on my ass....I’m feelin’ it. Hope I won’t have to sacrifice any kittens later! LOL

Oh, and speaking of slingin’ loogies on hotties...My latest post has an entry in it concerning slingin’ stuff on a hottie.

Y I’d love to write some stuff fer your site. I’ll drop you an email.

Cheers and thanks again girlies.

New Word Verification game:

Amy's Dog's Quick Xylophone Reflexes Yielded Wild Times

We sing we dance we steal things said...

Aw wasn't that so sweet... We're happy to watch your place anytime Cj.

reneegrrrrrrrr said...

~Y~, you’re a nazi, it is Christmas presents!!!! Fuck holiday, read Cj's above post!!! I'm stunned that you of all people are being politically correct. I'm going to assume that you were being facetious using the foul word "holiday".

Cj, No Utah for me (I'm off to the beach baby), but thanks for the offer. Glad to see your big ol' brain has unthawed.

Love from a pea brain.

Word Verification game:
I fucking think his dick rules like
(this obviously isn't in referecne to my ex, and what a shame that it cut of with L)

We sing we dance we steal things said...

I was robbed, my word verf had a U an xand a Y, what am I suppose to do with that?

I am not trying to be politically correct. I have no intentions of giving a certain unethical group of pigs, the pleasure of calling it christmas.