Sunday, November 27, 2005

I Survived

I’m happy to report that I’m not typing this day’s entry from the burn unit of Brooke Army Medical Center.

Thanksgiving is over. I survived the turkey fry and the hordes of people who came to visit. The fried turkeys came okay; not as good as the first one I tried years ago, but not bad for a maiden attempt. Friday, after the last of the familia left, we cleaned, and so ended the fourth (or fifth) Thanksgiving in a row hosted at our house. I’m ready to retire from the Thanksgiving hosting business.

Actually, it wasn’t so bad. The food was good and the company was too (except for all those damned screaming kids!).


World’s Shortest Fairy Tale
Once upon a time, Cowboy Bill asked a pretty gal, "Will you marry me?"

The pretty gal said, "NO!"

And Cowboy Bill lived happily ever after.
He went boating, fishing, hunting, played a lot of Golf,
and drank beer whenever and wherever he wanted.

The End


My daughter was the master of accidentally funny words when she was tiny. I can only remember a few now, but these are the ones that make me smile:

Mochaleakycaca: Secret password to get in her room.
Beemonalds: McDonalds
Tow: Cow
Pacuter (pa-cyoo’-ter): Computer
Chackup: Ketchup
Meemember: Remember

I use them from time to time during regular conversation around the house!


While we’re on the subject of kids, our critters have had bestowed upon them some interesting alternate names and nicknames by our two chillens:

Chip (Dog) (Now in doggie heaven)
Chomp Head
Dooba (“The Doobas” when used to refer to both Chip and Benny)

Benito (Chip’s brother)

Bob (Cat)
The Beebs
Mini Man
Darkie (Not intended to be derisive)
Fat Boy (He’s not fat)
Sunny (Cat)
Cheeto (He’s an orange tabby)
Helmut (after watching a movie about Hitler)

Cleopatra/Cleo (Cat)
Fat girl

Bam (Wiener dog)
Long Boy
Frank (as in furter)

Bebe (Wiener/Jack Russel mix)
Little girl

It worries me when I think that I may one day have grandkids with bizarre names like Inspektor Pilot (Jason Lee’s offspring), or Moxie CrimeFighter (Penn Jillette’s daughter)


Quote of the Day:
“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes, that way when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.” – Jack Handy


Ivy the Goober said...

Glad you survived. Was a little worried about you! I call my dog (whose real name is Iowa) Pooch-doggy-dog and Poocharelli. And sometimes Dogzilla. My cat's name is Cowboy George. My husband calls him Boy George, or Cowboy Boy George. Cowboy George Jones.

reneegrrrrrrrr said...

I'm am so glad to hear the burn unit was not part of your Thanksgiving day.

My beloved Bilbo & Frodo had tons of nicknames. My favorite was Frodo aka Stinky, he was stinky cause his brother use to clean him (and mark his territory) and Bilbo aka Bobo had really bad breath and would stink up Frodo. I love those poodles even though they left this world in the spring and summer of 03. My girl AnnE FannE has a few nicknames as well.

Jack's quote cracked me up.

Love ya!!!


We sing we dance we steal things said...

The burn unit would not be a good thing, no. It's a good thing you're coordinated & beat those turkeys. Bet you can do one hell of a tango. The Warden is a lucky gal.

jenny said...

my cat xander is known to go by the names: xands, moosh, mooshy, pumpkin belly, panther, bubba, xandy, xandy pandy and xander pander, alexander, alex and psycho