Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Boogie Man!

I’m going to touch on a subject that’s been bugging (and disturbing) me for some time. How long it’s been bothering me I’m not sure, but I can say it’s been longer than 10 years. Why I’m choosing to write about it here I don’t know. Perhaps I am secretly hoping you have all noticed it, harbor similar disgust for this despicable practice, and yearn to rid our planet of all those who perpetrate this offensive and grotesque act.

There is no real way to transition to the issue at hand, so I’ll just get right to it.

Why is it that some men find a need to pick their noses and mount their nasty green trophies on walls around urinals and toilets in public restrooms? I’m not just talking about restrooms that you’d expect would be nasty and frequented by the dregs of society; this phenomenon can be observed in bathrooms frequented by people from all demographics, social standings and geographic origins.

So the next time you guys (or adventurous girls) have the opportunity to be in a men’s restroom, take a look around and see what you see. I guarantee that the number of bathrooms you find that bear the tracks of the despicable boogerpickerwiper will outnumber those that do not.

Now it’s up to you, my beloved readers (all eight of you!) to tell me that I’m not the only one who’s in a permanent state of disgust over this. Tell me that I’m not losing my mind. Validate that this does happen, and that I’m not the only one who thinks the nasty perpetrators should be severely punished.


It’s going to cost (the contractor) Fifty fuckin’ bucks to have the movers come do the refrigerator swap (see yesterday’s post). Good thing the contractor’s paying for it.


My internet connection is horrible this morning. The connection to my wireless router is fine, but beyond the router, the response is horrendous (670ms to ping blogger; 974 for Google).


Memory du Jour:
My earliest memory is when I was less than two years old. We were in Reno, NV at the Whitney Ranch. I remember sitting in the window “reading” a book. It was sunny outside and the landscape was blanketed in snow. I remember the warm sun on my back.
A quick search this morning reveals that the Whitney Ranch is most likely a housing development now.


Quote of the Day:
"I would like to live forever, because we should not live forever, because if we were ever supposed to live forever, then we would live forever, but we cannot live forever, which is why I would not live forever." -- Miss Alabama in the 1994 Miss Universe contest
Note: I think I dated this chick’s sister!


We sing we dance we steal things said...

I'm first!
I recall Ney & I had an adventure once that required us to live in a trailer for about a month. Ney was very angry that her bedroom came furnished with boogers on the walls. I'm thinking she was lucky the boogers were there, I think they held the trailer together.

rlb3773 said...

Men are just nasty creatures! Now I must go barf because your post made me ill!

reneegrrrrrrrr said...

Yeah, the booger talk nauseated me as well but women are nasty too. I can't say that I have spotted boogers in the restrooms but women peeing all over the seat is nasty.

And yeah were not suppose to live forever therefore I don't want to live forever because if we lived forever... :)

Ivy the Goober said...

Ick. I hate the thought of it. Booger flickin' morons.

Webmiztris said...

eww! i had no idea that was the norm for men's rooms! women don't do that fortunately, thought they have plenty of other disgusting habits.

Carlos said...

Y: A trailer park with boogers. I think they’re coming equipped with those now. You know, kind of a convenient work-saving feature!

RLB: Not all men are that nasty…I swear. I can’t recall ever wiping or flicking boogers on a bathroom wall!

R: I wasn’t sure whether or not to post the booger story. It is pretty nasty. The Warden has complained about nasty pee on toilet seats before. Nasty women! :-)

Madman: I’m guessing it might be standard décor in certain parts of New Jersey, New York or Baltimore!

Ivy: Moron is an excellent choice of word for them nasty boogerpickerwipers. If someone’s gonna pick their nose in a restroom, why the hell don’t they just use some freakin’ toilet paper or paper towel as a receptacle for their nose nuggets?

King James: And there is a difference. You can tell by the shape of the booger on the wall who’s been doing the depositing.

Webmiz: You had no idea because I’m the only man in the world with the cojones to rat out the nastier of the not-so-fair sex. ;-)

Whistler71 said...

Ok that was gross, I have never noticed any boogers on walls, maybe I should look closer from now on:/ I actually saw some shit wiped on the wall in our elementary school one time and I will never forget it! I will tell you that women can be just as nasty, I have noticed menstruation drippings on the seat many times, not to mention piss droppers, ew. Now I will go toss my one hotdog I ate for supper tonight!! Peace CJ!

Carlos said...

Kimmie....If I'd eaten anything already this morning, I'd be thinking about hurling it. Now I don't feel so bad about posting the booger story ;-)

rlb3773 said...

Can't we all talk about something else?

We sing we dance we steal things said...

Come on Cj... We've given you plenty of time between your very graphic booger post & today. We are waiting on another great political post.

StringMan said...

The one shocking thing in all this is not about boogers in bathrooms, or the revulsion of the topic by some commentators ... but that women actually pee on the seat? NO! You've got to be kidding! WTF kind of aim do you ladies have? You're sitting down, for gosh sakes! Try hittin' the spot from 2 feet away!

Talk about not being able to hit the broad-side of the barn ...

Whistler71 said...

Shit,I must have offended some of our friends. Sorry guys, I call it the way I SEE it! Damn, I think I ran everyone off...

Carlos said...

Okay you sissies. We'lll move on ;-)

Stringman. I never thought about it from that perspective. Poor aim is right! And I bet those same women who piss on toilet seats complain about men's aim.

Rimpy Rimpington said...

Better late than never: I too have long noticed and deplored the action of the urinal boogerpickerwipers. Disgusting!

Carlos said...

Yes, better late than never, Rimpy! It's pretty fucking foul, that's for sure!