Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Cry Me a River of Tears

The transmission on The Boy’s car crapped out on Friday. I took it to our trusty (well as trusty as any mechanic can be) mechanic for a look-see. The estimate?

Mechanic #1:
Local rebuild with 2yr warranty: $2,000
Factory rebuild with 3yr warranty: $2,870
Replace two motor mounts: $400
Parts & labor included
NOT including tax.

Mechanic #2 is going to do it for $2K + tax for the whole thing.

Of course, this is the first car out of four or five we’ve bought from this dealer, that we I decided didn’t need the extended warranty: “It’s too expensive. We can get a cheaper warranty on our own.” I never did. Talk about a big, fat, “I told you so.”

So feel sorry for me and give me a little lovin’.


This past Saturday’s main course for dinner was Prawns & Mushrooms Chardonnay. Big shrimpies were used in place of the prawns the grocer didn’t have. It was good, though I didn’t reduce the wine as I should’ve.


While The Girl and The Warden were at a concert in Austin yesterday, The Boy and I went to Subway for din-din. We both got combos. Combos come with chips. The chips I got were Baked Lays. Here’s a series of photos. Tell me what’s wrong here:

Yeah, I thought the same thing. What a sorry ass bag of chips. If I would've known I was gonna get eight fucking chips, in the bag, I wouldn't have bought the bastards at all.

The greed in this country is astounding at times. Lays has just made my list of Companies I don't Like.


Rain today. Finally!!!!


Memory Du Jour:
1964 or so, train station, Los Angeles, California
I was VERY young, but confirmed this memory with my mom a few years ago. I was in the train station with a family friend. We had either just come from, or were just headed to Reno. Ellen bought me a toy, which I absolutely loved. I’m not sure if I ever had another one like it. I only remember this one. And I really, really thought it was, as a friend of mine used to say, “the cat’s ass,” whatever the hell that means.

I know Webmiztress won’t remember this; she’s too young. Yeah, I said it, Young! ;-) but…do any of my more seasoned friends recall this?

That's right. It's WHEE-LO! And man was it fucking fun!!! So yesterday a coworker and I talked about old toys and how kids back then (and before) relied on their own imaginations to have fun, as opposed to today where so many kids rely on the imaginations of geek game programmers and television producers to decide where “their” imaginations will take them.

VH1 just finished a series called “I Love Toys.” Perhaps that’s what sparked my memory and got me feeling nostalgic and kinda sorta wishing things were a little simpler today (except for computers and cell phones and my DVR!). By the way, WHEE-LO wasn’t on the program.


Quote of the Day:
That kid's about as sharp as a pound of wet liver.” – Foghorn Leghorn


reneegrrrrrrrr said...

I love Foghorn Leghorn. Back in the day I use to do a great impression "I say here boy" :)

I never owned a wheel-o but have seen them.

I remember our first video game package, it had table tennis, astroids and Pac Man, not good graphics at all. But yeah for the most part we had to create our own fun, thank goodness for drugs, woops, did I say that. I meant thank goodnees for my great imagination that acid, shrooms and mary jane was used for enhancement

I thought prawns were big ass shrimps?

Webmiztris said...

omg, that is absolutely ridiculous with the chips there! I know bags of chips are always underfilled (or 'settled' as they like to call it), but you totally got robbed!

jules said...

Wheel-o, slinky, remember clackers? Ah...the good old days when you could maim yourself, instead of a video game character!

Carlos said...

Nay: I remember your impression! Used to crack me up big time. Foghorn is the shit for sure. I use his lines regularly. As a matter of fact I used the one here yesterday after I got off the phone with this girl who was way slow! Prawns are big-ass shrimp...but the store was fresh out. :-(

Webmiz Settling.....I’m gonna use that the next time someone gives me shit about sipping from my cup at the soda fountain. “Cut me some slack man, I’m allowing for settling.”

Jules I guess the hangover wore off ;-) Yeah....Clackers! My knuckles still hurt because of those!

Linda said...

Foghorn Leghorn is one of my favorites. I always eat my kids chips if they don't want them they just don't put enough in those lil bags.
Came here via Stringman's blog. I was fascinated with your profile picture.

We sing we dance we steal things said...

Every time I come to your place I leave craving restaurant food. I'm a shitty cook so the only way we get anything close to what your food looks like is at the restaurant. Mmmm that looks good. Sucks about the Boys car, aint that just the way it goes though, first time you don't by the warrantee. I recall the toy but I never had one ; {

I always thought your impression was of Barney the big purple dinosaur ; }