Beep Beep
I was at work the other day, typing a brief opinion / analysis on some real complex engineering thingy (that’s technical) we’re working on at work and someone commented on my typing speed. “How’d you learn how to type so damned fast?”
Well, I sure didn’t learn in high school typing class (I failed). I learned while in the Coast Guard, typing on old teletypes, and IBM Selectric typewriters.
So I got on line and did a little typing test just to refresh my memory. The typing certificate the handy little web site produced indicated 104 words per minutes with 98% accuracy. That’s pretty fucking fast.
Now one would think that, as opinionated as I am, and as fast as I type, I’d have one shitload of a bunch of stuff on my blog. The unfortunate thing is that I rarely have any “quiet” time around this joint. I have my mornings between 4:30am and 6:00am during the week, and early mornings on weekends, but I’m usually wrapped up with emails, reading blogs, and scouring the internet for information, news, and other stuff, while various news channels on the ol’ tee-vee play in the background.
That’s my excuse for today and that’s all I gots to say for now. I need to get ready for work.
Memory Du Jour:
Nineteen seventies, ArizonaChasing roadrunners down our dirt road just to see how fast they were. They were fast, but not so fast as the cartoon iteration of the beast. And they sure as hell didn’t make that beep-beep noise.
Quote of the Day:
Lisa, if the Bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, it's that girls should stick to girls sports, such as hot oil wrestling and foxy boxing and such and such. –Homer Simpson
Well you just blew it for me, I thought the Roadrunner was an actual depction and they all went "beep beep" thanks for blowing that for me FUCKER :)
On another note when you're typing do you say beep beep? Wow are you fast!!! And I thought I was fast at 70 something which I'm sure has declined since I am not working nor bloging or schooling.
Geez you are a fast typist!
I thought I was burning up the keyboard typing 75 words per minute with 95% accuracy. I achieved this ONCE when applying for a job. It was my best ever and I was so proud of myself!
Yeah. I admit it. I'm jealous.
This time last year I was typing 100+ words a minute. Thanks to the Taxol neuropathy side effect...I'm chicken pecking like I'm back in the 8th grade.
I am however, getting faster and faster at chicken pecking. Not quite up to roadrunner standards, but you know what I'm saying;)
lol, my boss is always awed by how fast I type too. I had to take typing classes in high school and vo-tech and community college AND technical school, so you could say I had plenty of practice!
Nay: You’re welcome :-) Fucker! When are ya gonna get back to blogging?
Sheila: Hey, 75wpm is nothing to scoff at! Did you get the job? I’d hire a good lookin’ chick like you at 75wpm over a guy at 100wpm any day ;-)
BB Master: Peck on!! I know exactly what you’re saying. You strike me as someone with a LOT of perseverance, so I don’t doubt you’ll get back up to that speed sometime soon!
WebMiz: Practice makes perfect. The first 30 days of my technical school in the Coast Guard was typing. Yeah...8hrs a day, 5 days a week of nothing but typing!
I got the job Carlos!
"thingy" is the technical term I use most at work.
oil filter wrench - oil filter thingy - prior to that I called it a circle with a handle
rachet - clicky thingy
I have been corrected, and I now know the real terms, but at least I know what tools I need to use to do something. And no, you're not supposed to use a butter knife as a screwdriver.
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