Danger Will Robinson, Danger
I've been driving by this blatant display of bad taste for a while now, and finally got a picture of these stupid things on the way back from Burger King yesterday.
For reasons I cannot begin to imagine, these people (right down the street) have these stupid-ass robots hanging in their front yard. No, there aren't any little kids living there; just two parents and a guy in 9th grade (who should be in 11th). What do you think has motivated these people to put up these stupid things? I may post a "Dear Madman."
Those of you baffled by the title of this post...There was an old TV show called "Lost in Space" on which a friendly robot would sound the alarm to danger by saying "Warning, Warning." or, in the case of my post title, "Danger Will Robinson, Danger."
Memory Du Jour/Special “Brush With Fame” Edition:
1975/6, Arizona
The president of the school where my mom taught threw a big, fat faculty party one night. Parties were pretty frequent back then. Kids were always dragged along.During this particular party I recognized a woman in the crowd the instant I saw her. I was pretty excited because the T.V. show she was on was pretty big at the time. The woman was Amanda Blake. She played Miss Kitty on the TV show Gunsmoke. I was introduced to her and was duly impressed and awed. She had a cheetah with her on a leash. Being 13/14 years old, I thought that was pretty cool. I petted the cheetah until it took a big ol’ swipe at me. Ms. Blake reprimanded the cheetah and was very sweet to me. She was a very classy woman.
Quote of the Day:
"You simply get chills every time you see these poor individuals...many of these people, almost all of them that we see are so poor and they are so black, and this is going to raise lots of questions for people who are watching this story unfold." –CNN's Wolf Blitzer, on New Orleans' hurricane evacuees, Sept. 1, 2005
Thanks for the idea. I think I'll do this craft sometime with my Cub Scouts, and if you come to Detroit, you'll see them hanging around!
They look more like the tin man in the Wizzard of Oz....
I am dumbfounded, which isn't unusual. Time to call in the bad taste police or better yet build a small gallows, sneak in while they are sleeping & hang the tin men from the gallows.
I guess we all have an off the wall neighbor or two, at least yours aren't shooting at you.
Lost in space was a cool show.
lmao! those robots are definitely very strange! or are they Tin Men, like from Oz? Either way, those people must be taking some SERIOUS drugs...lol
I'm with James
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