Friday, May 19, 2006

Let's Talk About Capris

I don’t like ‘em. I don’t dislike ‘em as much as I dislike those stretchy pants with stirrups that women were particularly fond of wearing when I was out on the east coast between 1985 and 1991, but I still don’t like ‘em.

A woman can look good wearing them, but they don’t look good because of the capris; they look good to begin with. And I just don’t look at a woman with capris and think She looks fabulous in those capris. Conversely, I do think a tight pair of 501 Levis can make a shapely woman look astoundingly good.

And where did capris originate? Were they an accident? Were they part of a sinister plot by some manufacturer to get consumers to pay a full-pants-price for a partial pair of pants? Were they borne of the fetish of a man who has a thing for calves? I don’t know. I don’t think anyone knows.

I can’t help but notice that marketers overlooked men. Was there ever any test marketing? If not, who made the decision that men can’t or shouldn’t wear them? How short some memories are. It wasn’t that long ago that pirates were wearing them, and pirates were bad ass; even badder than ninjas. These days, not many men would be taken seriously while wearing capris. Maybe that’s why pirates were so damn ornery. Maybe they were really pussy-whipped and forced to wear capris by their frugal domineering wives who were concerned with saving money by cutting back on the wardrobe budget.

I suppose by now you’re wondering why the hell I’m writing about capris. Well, we were coming out of a little pre-graduation function for The Girl last night. The Warden was wearing a pair of black capris, a nice green blouse and some stylish shoes. Anyway, we were walking back to the car and The Warden overtook me. I caught her out of the corner of my eye as she clip-clopped past me and what the first thing that came to mind? Right -- Pirates. And no, I didn’t mention to her that her outfit reminded me of pirates. I may be a little off center, but I’m not suicidal. She looked marvelous of course; not because of the capris, but rather because I've been diggin' her since 1984 and pretty much want to ravage her every minute of the day.

Capris still suck though.


Memory Du Jour:
1976, Arizona, High School
We were playing volleyball. A guy I didn’t like ran by to get a stray ball and bumped into me. Being a former grade-school tough, I shoved him and said something confrontational to him. Expecting he would say something back, and that we’d do the usual talking and shoving bullshit kids did back then, I waited for his response. His response was to punch me square in the mouth. It was a good right cross that broke my jaw right under the bottom-front teeth. I had braces on at the time so the amount of blood that poured from my mouth was impressive. I went after him at once. Were it not for the PE coach, the guy would probably still feel the pain of the ass whipping I’d planned on perpetrating upon him. The coach stopped me and said something coach-like. I said something like, “he broke my fuckin’ jaw,” to which he replied, “Hey, hey, watch your language young man.” “Fuck you. He broke my jaw.” I got suspended. So did the other dude. The other dude, after finding out he was on my “to do” list, apologized and said he didn’t want any trouble. Lucky him.

Graphic of the Day:

Quote of the Day:
“Today my opponent, in response to public outcry, proposed that our nation tap into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. That's bad public policy.” --G.W. Bush, September 2000, criticizing President Clinton for suggesting the country use the strategic reserve due to oil prices.

CJ Note: Guess who’s suggesting it now? Yeah – Dubya. Talk about flip-flopping.


jules said...

Oh...I HATE capris! I loved the cock suckers joke though.

Whistler71 said...

with my big butt and vertical challenge, these look like ass on me!!

Anonymous said...

I hate capris too. They look cute on some women but not me.

I like your cynical views on how they originated lol.

You know it wasn't just pirates that wore the knee length pants - the male colonists wore them too. They were called knee pants. Creative name lol. If a man wore that style today he would be labeled a sissy or gay lol.

Webmiztris said...

lol - that is too funny. me and my mom hate capris too. I mean, I think I could pull the look off, but why would I want to? if they're ever calling for a flood, maybe i'll snag a pair! and even worse than capris? gaucho pants....


PS. I gave you the letter T!

We sing we dance we steal things said...

About capris, woman wear them when it starts to get hot and jeans are a little to much. At the beginning of summer our legs are so white we would we would blind any poor soul brave enough to look our direction so shorts in public are out of the question. Shorts at certain social functions are also out of the question. Hope this helps lol.

Kelley C. Butler said...

capris are sometimes the only way to go though if you're not too keen on showcasing your cellulite in shorts. but they are ridiculous...much like gauchos.

good thoughts and funny cartoon.

Carlos said...

Jules: I saw that cartoon in an email a friend sent and I about pissed myself!

Whistler: Ain’t nothin’ wrong with a short woman with a full butt!

Sheila: I forgot about the colonists. Never knew they were called Knee Pants. Learn somethin’ new every day. Thanks!

WebMiz: Gauchos! Fuck, I forgot all about those ugly things! Thanks for the letter. I hope to have some time to think/write soon.

Y: That helped a lot. You’re fuckin’ awesome, as ever :-)

Kelley: Thanks for dropping by. Didn’t think about the cellulite angle. I have a whole new outlook on capris now. Well…sorta :-)

StringMan said...

Capris and Cock Suckers.

Nice mix, Carlos! You're a poet.

CoolSpongeBob said...

I don't like capris, but I own a pair of camouflage capris. I couldn't resist how ugly they are, and that every shirt I own doesn't match them! They even have an embroidered sequin design on one leg.

Sudiegirl said...

I like capris, myself. As a matter of fact, when one is really deprived of melanin like my own bad self, I wear them in the summer instead of shorts. Also handy in the summer when I don't want to shave my legs all the way up.

Sad but true, Carlos...I are sorry.


PS: I wore stirrup pants too...shut your mouth about those. I looked good in them with an oversized button down shirt, my Capezio jazz shoes, and a perm to beat all perms!

Sudiegirl said...

PPS: nice cocksucker joke by the way. Makes me think of George Carlin mentioning such horrible maladies as "beer nuts", "cotton balls" and "pussy foot".


Sudiegirl (again)