Haircuts & Cocks

I found my new barber yesterday. This one’s closer to the house and quite a good bit more convenient than the other place, depending on time of day (traffic). I’d been there before, but didn’t like the dude I got stuck with, and he used thinning scissors despite my asking him not to (fucker!).
Yesterday I walked in and was met by a slim, short (around 4’10” or so), nice looking, Hispanic woman in her 40s. “Can I help you?” she asked. My first reaction was to think, yeah, I want to buy another laptop computer. That’s why I come to barber shops after all, but realized she was simply trying to find out if I had a regular barber (there are four or five there).
Anyway…so she cut my hair, and she understood the “no thinning scissors” request. She was soft spoken, had a soft touch, spoke Spanish to me (which I speak, by the way), did a great job on my hair, and succeeded in making me her latest
Memory du Jour:
Arizona, 1978
Once upon a time we had about 10 hens and a rooster. One of my chores was to feed the chickens and fetch the eggs. I usually used a frying pan to carry the feed from the garage to the back of the acre where the coop was.
This particular day was no different than any of the others. I filled up the frying pan with feed and carried it out to the coop.

By the time I was standing up straight, Mr. Rooster was attacking my lower legs. In an instant he was pecking and spurring his little ol’ way up the length of my body as I backed away, dismissing him with a shooing left hand. Being summer and all, I was clad only in a pair of cutoff shorts (back when I could get away with that!).
When it was all over and done with, Mr. Rooster had done a respectable number on my flesh. I inspected the damage and, in an instant, decided Mr. Rooster could not be allowed to get out of this without some form of retribution on my part. As such, I heaved the frying pan at him. The pan frisbeed (is that really a verb?) through the air and hit him in a glancing blow. He voiced his displeasure with my attack, but appeared otherwise unharmed. I closed the door and left.
The next day when I went out to feed them chickens Mr. Rooster the fat, white leghorn, was dead in a heap on the ground in the coop.
I wonder to this day if it was the pan that killed him or if he committed sepukku (harakiri) as a result of the shame of being defeated by me.
And so began my career in cock fighting.
Har de har har har.
omg, that's funny. my husband was a attacked by a chicken when he was little and after that everyone called him "Peck" for years. :D
I hate it when your hair dresser (barber in your case) doesn't do what you ask them to. Its like they just start cutting away focusing only on your hair rather than how the hair cut looks on YOU lol.
Last year when Dion and I were in Dallas for another immigration appointment, he had his hair cut so he would look "presentable" at the appointment. Well this lady just kept buzzing his hair shorter and shorter (I don't know why Dion didn't say anything to her) then she finally looked at him in the mirror and asked "is this short enough?". Well yeah, it was short enough - his scalp was shining through on the sides lol.
Did you get in trouble for frisbeeing the rooster to death? Funny story lol.
Hey Farmer McGreggor, whaddaya think I am? The thinning shears were only an added plus. You're going back because the shampooing was fabulous. Big Hooters in your face as you lean back and have your head rubbed vigorously.
Yeah, right there.. that reason.
Jules: What? What?
WebMiz: Fortunately no one was around to see me getting attacked so I got no nicknames!
Sheila: Yeah…bad barbers are the worst! No trouble. I can’t remember what fib I told my mom :-)
Margie: Mmmmm….hoooterrrs ;-)
I think there are way to many hair dressers and only about 25% of them can cut hair! There I said it. Glad to hear you got a good one, did she rub her boobs across your head?
As for the rooster, they can be really mean... I adopted two retired fighting roosters and they never hurt me, maybe they were smart enough to realize I saved their life by washing the fireants off of them when they got attacked!
Poor poor Mr rooster.
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