Pussy Singing
Do any of you sing to or about your pets? I just finished with a shower during which I sang about Cleo to the tune of “I Can See Clearly Now” by Johnny Nash: “I can see Cleo now the rain is gone…”
I sing variations of a self-written “The day the cats came to town” or various ditties about wiener dogs. Yeah…I know….I’m nuckin futs. But I ain’t the only one in this here household, so I’m not feeling too vulnerable.
Tuesday was the Rosary for the Old Man. It was quite nice. There were a lot of people, many of whom shared memories of him. Yesterday was the mass and the funeral. I had the honor of giving the eulogy, which I’d fretted about since Monday evening. It went well. Considering the circumstances, everything went well – Without a hitch. Murphy and his God forsaken law steered clear of everything.
I think the song about Cleo came about during today’s (no, not this week’s) shower because I’d been pondering the more important things in life, as many people do after a loved one dies. Anyway, I was thinking (I know, that’s dangerous)…Tuesday, the day of the Rosary, it was horribly stormy here. There was driving rain, lightning (one came frighteningly close to us as we were entering the funeral home once), thunder, flooding, and wind. Wednesday, the day of the funeral, was cloudy and misty. By the time things were breaking up at graveside, the sun was breaking through the clouds and it was getting warm (hot in my black suit & tie). And today? It is, as Johnny Nash sang in his famous song, “A bright, bright, bright, sunshiny day.”
I thought the changes in weather were pretty profound – almost in perfect synchronicity with the mood of each day. Not that today’s a “sunshiny” day or anything, but rather a new day and a time to start over.
I sing variations of a self-written “The day the cats came to town” or various ditties about wiener dogs. Yeah…I know….I’m nuckin futs. But I ain’t the only one in this here household, so I’m not feeling too vulnerable.
Tuesday was the Rosary for the Old Man. It was quite nice. There were a lot of people, many of whom shared memories of him. Yesterday was the mass and the funeral. I had the honor of giving the eulogy, which I’d fretted about since Monday evening. It went well. Considering the circumstances, everything went well – Without a hitch. Murphy and his God forsaken law steered clear of everything.
I think the song about Cleo came about during today’s (no, not this week’s) shower because I’d been pondering the more important things in life, as many people do after a loved one dies. Anyway, I was thinking (I know, that’s dangerous)…Tuesday, the day of the Rosary, it was horribly stormy here. There was driving rain, lightning (one came frighteningly close to us as we were entering the funeral home once), thunder, flooding, and wind. Wednesday, the day of the funeral, was cloudy and misty. By the time things were breaking up at graveside, the sun was breaking through the clouds and it was getting warm (hot in my black suit & tie). And today? It is, as Johnny Nash sang in his famous song, “A bright, bright, bright, sunshiny day.”
I thought the changes in weather were pretty profound – almost in perfect synchronicity with the mood of each day. Not that today’s a “sunshiny” day or anything, but rather a new day and a time to start over.
And so we start anew. There's a lot of work with the house and belongings and such, but that's all small potatoes compared to the last two weeks. Moms is living with us for now. We'll be looking for a new house soon, which we'd been planning to do anyway.
Thanks again to all of you for your kind words, thoughtfulness, prayers, and offers to talk gay to me and do Nacho poses ;-)
I'm glad everything went well, and you guys didn't get hit by lightning!
Hmmm, singing in the shower about kitties...haven't done that recently...
Oh hell yeah. We sing about/to all of our animals.
Our favorite is from an old Nick cartoon. Ahem....HMMMMM...
He's roley-poley-Moby
He's short and fat and round
And in the land of Mama's house
He's the only Basset Hound!
Oh...and you have to say "Hound" in the thickest German accent you can muster up.
It would probably be better if I could say I started doing this as they put me on more and more drugs...but we've done it forever now;)
I sing goofy songs to/about our cats ALL the time! if there was a hidden camera in our house, our spy would think we were a bunch of fucking lunatics!!!
Sorry to hear about your loss Karlos.
Hey, you do that too? I sing all kinds of songs and interject either a pets name or our daughter Katie's. She gets really bugged when I do it.
Which is why I do it. I love teasing kids especially my own.
Happy St. Patricks Day Karlos!
no, but i often converse with my two cats about existentialism. blogmad hit.
Arlene: You owe it to yourself to try it!
Brigade Master: I feel better knowing I’m not the only one who’s totally nuts. ;-) Thanks for sharing!
WebMiz: If anyone, I figured You’d be a pet singer ;-)
Margie: Thanks Margie. Four pet singing lunatics? Unheard of! I also like singing about my kids…bugs the hell out of ‘em!
lx: Do they talk back? Thanks for dropping by.
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