
The entry fee ($7) wasn’t so bad, but the first purchase I made of a foot-long corn dog and a 20 ounce bottle of Coke for The Boy was fucking ridiculous: $9.50 for the pair.
The animals were very cool, as all animals are, but the rest was fairly unremarkable. The midway was too small and there wasn’t much of anything going on unless you like Alan Jackson (which I do not), country arts and crafts, and over-priced boots and cowboy hats.
It was still fun, because it was time with my son.
After the rodeo, we went to the Saltgrass restaurant and ate delicious beefy and salady lunch. Then we went to Best Buy where I dropped about $200 on a new PC mouse for the boy so he can play Starcraft on his Mac; a new wireless keyboard/mouse for myself, and the Starcraft Battle Set because I don’t know where my original Starcraft CDs are.
Think I’ll take The Girl to the rodeo next week or the week after. She loves animals and will thoroughly enjoy all the critters.
Back in the neighborhood, I stopped at the local liquor store for a bottle of Jim Beam. The young lady behind the counter was stunning in both demeanor and looks.
When I got home I turned on the television and saw a program that outgayed the guy who outgayed the Village People: it was an ice skating show with Kenny G playing live on the ice while the skaters skated; felating that alto sax like a champ. I marveled at the spectacle for an instant, switching channels just before reaching the threshold beyond which I would have been changed forever - kinda like looking at a gay Medusa with penises on its head instead of snakes. I forgot all about the pretty girl at the liquor store :-(
Ain’t so many good comedians around anymore. I listen to those satellite comedy channels and I’d say 90% of the douches they play suck. They’re either just not funny, or think profanity alone is funny. Newsflash douches: It isn’t! It’s gotta be used strategically and in a context that demands it.
Here’s a funny clip of one of my all-time favorites, George Carlin. It’s long, but beautiful.
I love me some satellite radio, but you're right, the comedy on there blows!
I've never been to a rodeo, but I've always wanted to go, so you'll have to let me know how it is :-)
Best Buy is a BAD place...I spend WAY too much money everytime I go there!! :-P
Glad you at least got some quality time with the boy :)
I have lived here in SA for about 4 years now...going on the 5th. I have never attended Rodeo. Go figure.
Arlene: I'm glad I'm not alone! Rodeos are fun. The smaller the better. The big ones are okay, but too flashy. I like the small ones out in the country. And yes, Best Buy Bad!!
TC: Me too :-)
FlyinFox: You need to go. Daytime is best. Too much riff-raff at night.
Yee Haw!!!
Sounds like fun. Glad you had a good day with the boy.
a gay Medusa with penises on its head instead of snakes
holy shit-- what an image! i bet a sculptor somewhere down the ages has done that one.
and as for a foot-long corndog.....nm
Tripping: Me too. It was a lot of fun.
Unokhan: I bet someone has done a gay, penis-headed Medusa before: "Gaydusa." God...Who ever thought rodeos could be so phallic?
I've been to a couple of rodeos - 2 when I was a kid and one when my daughter was a kid. The results were the same for both of us - "oooh, look at the horses" and "this place really smells like [caca]". I would prefer the fair be separate, but it looks like San Antonio thinks rodeo and fair mean the same thing. Go figure.
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