Friday, December 26, 2014

Merry Christmas

I had a good Christmas.

Gave some good gifts
Got some good gifts
Spent time with family
Continued to be amazed at how much I love my kids
Ate some good food
Missed a few people I couldn't be with
Reminisced about a friendship with a person I befriended here in 2005

I didn't think much about Jesus, but that's not unusual.  I just don't buy that religious stuff.  I don't care that lots o' people do; it's just not my cup of tea.

Hope those of you who still drop by from time to time had a good Christmas.  Except for Nay and Y - They're on my naughty list for totally discontinuing all communication with me.  Turds.   ;-)


Anonymous said...

Well Chico! Here's hoping your Christmas was awesome! I am back and in rare form. Sorry for being away so long. It will be good to catch up.

Carlos said...

Mine was awesome...Hope yours was too, friend!

Carlos said...

Why the fuck don't I get notifications that blog replies are posted, damn it? :-)