Silly Legislation
I found this letter I sent off to one of my elected representatives a while back. It concerned proposed legislation that would restrict public school cheerleaders from performing "sexy moves." (
The bill was authored/sponsored by Texas House Representative Al Edwards: Fortunatetly it didn't go anywhere.
Here's the letter. Enjoy.
Honorable Senator Van De Putte:
I am sending you my comments concerning Mr. Edwards’s House Bill 1476, and would like to know your stance on it.
I read the bill and understand that it is a simple amendment to the state Education Code but, for the life of me, I cannot fathom how the amended section of the Code will be enforced. Doesn’t the state (and Mr. Edwards) have better things on which to spend its time and our money? Personally, I think the initiative is laughable and unenforceable.
How does Mr. Edwards propose that the amended code be enforced? Will he appoint and convene a blue-ribbon panel which will draft a comprehensive and voluminous government document that specifically defines “suggestive dance moves” and what type of cheerleaders could reasonably be considered by an audience to be “sexy” while performing those defined "suggestive dance moves"?
Will the panel also create a rapid-deployment Special Morality Über-Team (SMUT, a la SWAT) to enforce the code? I can see it now: Armed to the teeth, SMUT agents parachute or rappel from helicopters into a stadium. “Freeeeeze! Drop that pom-pom motherf*#$&”
And what if cheerleaders, coaches, teachers or administrators are arrested for violation of the code? Will arresting officers still be permitted to say “spread ‘em” to coax suspects into the proper position for frisking and disarming, or will law enforcement officers be subjected to a similarly silly amendment to an applicable code because of the sexual implications of the "spread 'em" command?
I could go on and on, but that would be nothing more than unnecessary silliness; kind of like House Bill 1476.
Respectfully yours,
Bravo to you for writing a letter to your representative.
Will the panel also create a rapid-deployment Special Morality Über-Team (SMUT, a la SWAT) to enforce the code? I can see it now: Armed to the teeth, SMUT agents parachute or rappel from helicopters into a stadium. “Freeeeeze! Drop that pom-pom motherf*#$&”
LMFAO, that is FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you get a response back yet?
Back during the Schaivo media circus it prompted me to write all my representatives to see where they stood on that bogus special whatever the fuck it was called during the spring break for them to come in and vote. I did receive letters back, slowly they trickled in along with all the letters I have been recently getting in my mail for all the faxes that go out to them in regard to the boarder/illegal immigrant deal going on.
Keep on letting your reps. know that your paying attention, you watch dog you!!!!
Love from an American.
Glad you liked it. I really enjoyed writing it, and got even more satisfaction dropping it in the mailbox.
I didn't get a response back, but that may be because the proposed legislation got squashed shortly after I sent it. A small victory for common sense!
Yeah....that Schiavo case was a mess. And those scavenger politicians that used that stage as a venue for exposure should have their toes crushed one at a time with a ball peen hammer.
Shame on the family too. I can’t imagine that anyone would want to live like she was. I sure wouldn’t. Nor can I imagine a mother or father wanting to keep a child alive in that state for that many years. Maybe my views would be different if my kids were in a similar situation, but right now there’s no way I’d sentence them to that kind of life. No way at all.
Anyway...blah blah blah!
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