Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas Eve

You know those little puddings in a cup, right? The ones with the aluminum peel-off lids. What’s the first thing you do after peeling off the top? Right! You lick it! So do I, only the other day I got a paper (or aluminum) cut right smack on the end of my tongue. I wasn’t quite sure I cut my tongue, but my fears were confirmed when I dabbed a napkin on it and pulled it away with a bloodstain on it. Someone please tell me I’m not the only one who’s ever done this. Please tell me I'm not the loser I thought I was when I did that!

On that note, I need to confess something. We’ve all seen the cartoons where one of the characters steps on a rake, shovel, or other gardening utensil and the handle pops up and hits him in the face. Well, back many moons ago I did just that. I stepped on a rake in the back yard and the damned thing popped me square in the nose! I know I’m not the only one to have done this. Am I? Or is it just me and Elmer Fudd?


We’re off to a Saints/Lions game this morning. The Girl isn’t looking forward to it, but I told her that we’ll have fun. I also gave her the “If you want it to be a drag it will be a drag” rant.


Quote of the Day:
I wish I had a Kryptonite cross, because then you could keep both Dracula AND Superman away. – Jack Handey


Whistler71 said...

LOL Carlos! I have to say I have never cut my tongue on the foil lid, ouch! However, when I used to clean the horse's stalls, I stepped up on one of the heavy ass metal pooper scoopers and SMACK right in the forehead... I had a cut and everything. You are surely a dumbass for doing this and so was I!!! Merry Christmas, Carlos.

Ivy the Goober said...

Yes I lick the lids, but never got a cut from it. I don't remember the instance but I do think I stepped on a rake once. Only I'm a bigger goober than you, because I probably did it on purpose just to see if it would work like in the cartoons.

reneegrrrrrrrr said...

Cj, Yes I admittedly lick the foil but have yet to cut my tongue. That makes you the only one so far. And my Ms. Elmer Fudd moment happens when trimming my trees, those long handled trimmers close on my boobs. I think I have it down, I need to step back, but it took me a number of ouches to figure there is a reason they are long handled.

I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!!!

Love ya!!!! Nay

rlb3773 said...

I don't eat pudding cups, so this has not happened to me. However, do not feel bad I have done many other stupid things to myself. I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas!

We sing we dance we steal things said...

We all know that I am by no means a rocket scientist, it goes without saying that whatever embarrassing, humiliating you have done, I have done it far better. There is hope for me though. Ney has a Bucket Mouth story about a certain Taco Bell lunch that not even I have topped. BLOG IT NEY!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Cj!
From Early & Y