Third Sign of the Apocalypse
First Miss USA Tara Connor gets busted for underage drinking and drug abuse; then some other beauty queen (who doesn’t warrant the expense of energy needed to look her up) gets busted for some other shit.
And now? An astronaut is in some kind of deep kimchi. Seems NASA astronaut (and Navy captain) Lisa Nowak got herself mixed up in a little love triangle and may have decided that the answer to all her problems was a good, old fashioned kidnapping / murder. Some of the shit they found in her possession:
BB gun
Steel mallet
4” folding knife
4’ of rubber tubing
Plastic garbage bags
Latex gloves
Diapers? Yeah. She had to drive from Houston to Orlando and didn’t want to delay the crime with rest stops. Wow. What a dumbass.
First cowboys (Brokeback Mountain), then beauty queens and now astronauts. What’s next?
There’s been a commercial on TV lately that just bug the ever livin’ shit out of me: Chacon Suzuki. The name, which I highly suspect is a Hispanic name, is pronounced by the guy in the commercial as CHAY-con instead of cha-CONE. I’ll bet ya a nickel that if the guy would’ve opened the dealership here in San Antonio proper instead of up the road in a mostly Anglo community, the traditional pronunciation of Chacón would’ve been used.
Oh. That’s not what really gets me. The dude who does the commercial calls himself (get this) Rock Music. Don’t believe me? Here’s a clip of the vid courtesy of my Christmas present (DVD burner).
Rock Music (1.77MB)
It stutters a little, but I didn’t feel like re-ripping it so deal with it.
I found this picture the other day and can’t think of where the hell we were at the time? Any ideas?
Oh! Pick me, pick me, I wanna guess that you and Ney were at the zoo! Did I win?
You know... when I was a child my role models weren't doing time in jail or rehab or flashing their cooche for the cameras and look how I turned out!
These kids now a days don't stand a frigging chance. Would this be part of the dumbing down of America that I keep hearing about? Gotta go for now, Early and I are going to make a sex tape.
"BB gun
Steel mallet
4” folding knife
4’ of rubber tubing
Plastic garbage bags
Latex gloves
I don't see what the problem is. I carry all of that stuff around in my purse all the time! ;)
I guess you and Ney were at the zoo too.
Isn't that just the dumbest thing about Nowak (or yeswhack would be more appropriate). You know she had to stop for gas during her "mission" to Orlando - so why wear diapers. Maybe she was afraid she would be caught on the security cameras or something.
Whatever - she is one for the books.
My guess is a zoo, an alligator farm or M.J.'s Neverland.
BB gun
Steel mallet
4” folding knife
4’ of rubber tubing
Plastic garbage bags
Latex gloves
The police didn't think this lady had the Right Stuff.
And to add to all the misery, Anna Nicole up and dies. Damn, who am I gonna make fun of now?
Bunny-Early: I was thinking the zoo, but I have no fucking recollection of ever having gone to the zoo with Nay. There were some other pictures in the same batch of my sister Edie at a campsite cooking something….that kinda brought back memories; like we might’ve gone camping with my sis and her man-o-the-minute. Tried calling Nay a couple of times but her no answer. Me leave message and tell Nay me bug shit out her until she answers or calls back ;-)
Know what you mean about role models. Says a lot for our society doesn’t it. How was the sex tape? I want a full report in my inbox sometime very soon!
WebMiz: Yeah, but you fuckin’ need ‘em with all the freaks you meet in the local bars ;-)
Sheila: Zoo, maybe (see my response to Bunny). Yeswhack! LOL. Yep…she’s whack! I was wondering about the mentality of wearing diapers too. What the fuck was going through her mind. Think about it…If you were going to drive the 13 (or so) hours between Houston and Orlando what would take longer: stopping to take care of business a couple of times during the drive; or cleaning yer nasty ass after having soiled yourself along the way? What a freak.
BBM: What a treat having you stop by! I can’t remember the last time you did :-) Probably a zoo…couldn’t be MJ’s Neverland; we were too old! ;-)
MissCellania: I don’t either! She’s a certified freak of nature. And to think she’s married with children. I hope they’re too young to realize how fucked up mommy is.
Jules: You can make fun of me if you want. Of course, there’s always Kevin Federline or the worst of the performers on American Idol!
I HATE THAT COMMERCIAL too! Glad to know I'm not the only one in SA who shares this sentiment.
April, thank you for hating that commercial! There are a few of us at work whom it bugs, but no one who really hates it like I do...until now!
Anonymous: No need to apolgize, and you're not butting in, as the site is wide open to anyone who cares to comment.
Point taken. I'll look into it and post my results if I find anything to support your claime. Happy trails.
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